The natural ecosystem created life on earth, and humans are part of it. And human-made enough irreversible mistakes in the name of development. Now human responsibility is to save the ecosystem and environment from hazards and activities created by him without disturbing the ecosystem’s natural balance. Emerging artificial intelligence systems can be a convenient and intelligent way to solve climate change, pollution, the greenhouse effect, or any other ecosystem-breaking issues.
How Artificial Intelligence systems can help to tackle the issues related to the environment
The strength of the artificial intelligence system is that it can learn by experience. A robust AI system can collect the smallest to smallest data from the environment to wisely remember and track the source and carbon footprint of the surrounding environment. AI systems closely analyze the enormous of data associated with climate change, air quality, timing, and behavior of the ecosystem, and based on these data, it also recommends a series of actions to tackle GHG (Green House Gas)
Recent development shows a powerful urge from policymakers, business leaders, and the public to reduce GHG by 2030, adopting Net Zero practices. Everyone must think and act on climate change.
What is Net Zero Environment Practices
Any ecosystem-friendly practices that cut the carbon or green gas emission to almost zero level so the forest and oceans can absorb that remaining hazardous air pollutants and heat.
At present, we need a tremendous amount of research data in the field of environmental science; this can be made possible by adopting an Artificial intelligence system.
Artificial intelligence systems and Net Zero policies.

Energy Efficiency and Reduction of Carbon Footprint
Many industries started to adopt AI systems in their manufacturing operation. AI systems provide accurate information on how much energy is required and how much energy can be saved in manufacturing and engineering processes. Now cost-cutting is also achieved along with a reduction of carbon footprint. So, AI can offer sustainability to industries.
Monitor the air quality and climate behavior
Policymakers such as government agencies are installing AI-based environment monitoring systems that can closely monitor the atmospheric air quality from the data collected from satellites and predict the future rate of pollution. A recent AI learning system detected the movement of the carbon footprint from one location to another and also measured the distance of travel. The collected ai data can be used to track down the exact location of the pollution source.
Monitor the Water quality and type of Pollutant analysis
AI system is installed at water resources such as rivers and lakes to study the pollution level and determine what type of minerals and pollutants are flowing with water. And also, it can show the rate of chemical change in water bodies. The same AI systems are used in industries to study the chemical constituent of water waste and the water recycling and filtering process.
How Artificial Intelligence Can Boost Disaster Management
A natural disaster causes severe disruption in the socioeconomics of human life and causes environmental imbalance for a shorter or longer period depending on the impact of the disaster.

5 Phases of disaster Management
Disaster management involves Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.
Prevention is the best way possible, but this is possible only when humans respect the ecological balance and start working under the ecosystem. AI systems can effectively guide humans on how to live life without disturbing the natural ecosystem.
Mitigation is implementing control measures to minimize the impact on lives, nature, and properties. Here AI works to a greater extent by forecasting risk analysis and possible disasters that can take place. So, it creates an alert so that proper preventive measures have to be taken by the respective authorities.
The preparedness phase is the people and disaster management workgroup’s readiness to attend to the possible disaster. Here AI can assist the workgroup by real-time alerting and monitoring the changing environment and climate.
This phase is how the disaster management workforce acts during a disaster to save lives and conduct search operations for missing persons. AI drones are used to search for missing persons trapped in disasters and send food, water, and life-saving medical assistance to the victim of a disaster spot.
Recovery is the last phase where the damage caused to property and surrounding environment conditions is to be fixed. In this phase, AI can analyze the extent of damage and loss caused by the disaster.
How does Artificial Intelligent System know when a disaster happens and how to act?
AI systems are designed to think and work like a human by implementing and applying a Machine Learning algorithm to the system. This algorithm improves through continuous data learning. Initial data is fed to the system, and then AI systems respond to the pattern of the dataset and predict the output and response.